A lack of sufficient electrical grounding of MacBooks with a metal housing leads to micro-vibrations left and right beside the Trackpad. It feels like macBook is vibrating when touched. The fix is to take a grounded power adapter with three pins / lines.
Stay tuned! 😉
I bought Macbook Pro M1 yesterday. First time to buy Mac product. When I charged it begun those vibrations. Before returning it, I had to google first and that is how I ended here. So this is decade a go problem? Why aren’t they telling the new customers? There is something Apple is telling us!!! And whatever is it, is what makes Apple what it is!!! When you buy Macbook Pro M1 Chip is very expensive affair. Very disappointed indeed
Bought a new M1 MacBook Pro in October and right out of the box experiencing the static feeling when using it and touching it whilst charging. *I live in the UK* and have reached out to Apple and they have said its because I have carpet in my house there is a build-up of static by me wearing socks. Anything at all I can do? Baring in mind this is a device worth well over £1,000… surely this is bad? Thanks for any thoughts. 🙂
Hi Hayden,
thanks for your feedback. It’s really annoying that Apple habe not been capable to fix this since decades.
Gee Are
Apple are talking BS and clearly don’t know what they’re on about. Static discharge from carpets etc dissipated very quickly – milliseconds. The tingle we feel from Macs is constant. It’s filter coupling to the low voltage feed, which should not be grounded to the casework. Bad design but safe.
I have had the same for a while and never new about this “leakage” issue. however my computer does it even though it I am using the original 3 pin plug. I have called them and they booked me an appointment to the Genius Bar as I have had issues after issues with this macBook… it is now officially driving me nuts.
PS: have you noticed how the screen flickers when you have an iPhone resting on macBook? weird!
Hi Carmelle,
regarding the screen flickering I’m observing the same.
I do not understand why Apple is not able to fix these long-lasting issues…
Best regards,
Gee Are
What do you do if it happens on a Mac Mini? They are shipped with a two-prong power port so it’s not possible to just buy and use a three-prong power cable. I have two Minis (Late 2012 models) and only one is doing this!
Just an idea: Put an adapter between the wall plug and the cord?! Maybe that helps a little bit.
The solution to this pretty simple and doesn’t require spending any money.
The slight vibration is normal when running a finger across the chassis of the Mac..All my metal MacBooks have done this. I find that keeping at least one palm rested on the Mac will almost completely eliminate any AC vibration.
Awesome find Nick! That works and no money is to be spent. Thank you!
can it affect the longivity of the electronics component inside amcbook air ? i mean the leakage current.
I think so, but I’m not sure. Better to use the 3-pin plug…
Apple AC Wall Plug Adapter Recall Program: https://support.apple.com/ac-wallplug-adapter
I have a Lenovo 45W charger, I am using that to charge my MacBook Air, and guess what it works perfectly. There is no sensation and it charges the laptop even faster than the original 30W charger. But I am afraid I think maybe it’s not good to use another companies charger. Please advice
I just got the macbook air m1 chip. It has the same problem. I will try to change the adopter first. I hope it will work. But in case if it dosent work then what should i do. Please advice
If the problem still persists after changing the plug, return it to Apple!
Yes, I just bought the new charger but the problem still persists. I don’t know they will return it or not because I bought it from an online shopping website.
I have a three-pin and it still doesn’t work.
Hi Rayhan,
do you have the original 3–pin?
All the best,
Gee Are
your home building grounding is improper
Mine, the computer cuts off just like that with 70% battery remaining and it’s not comming on back. When I attach the charger, the lite on the charger is not comming on to indicate the computer is charging. However, a slight vibrate can be felt on the computer but it’s not coming on. It’s a mac book pro 2012. Any advice. Thanks
My MacBook Pro is brand new with a 3 pronged plug straight out of the box. It is vibrating a lot.
Can this damage the computer and should I return it?
Thanks for your reply
Hi Grant,
I guess you got a MacBook Pro of 2020!? I returned 3 of them, all had the vibrations. That’s „intended“ by design. I moved to a MacBook Air which shows this effect, too, but much more less. The vibrations are gone with a 3 pronged plug. Hence, I think your Mac has another issue. If I are you, I would return it.
Best regards,
Gee Are