Plex (v0.9.11.0, October 12, 2014), PlexConnect (v0.4, July 24, 2014) and OpenPlex (beta 0.3.4, November 11, 2014) running on Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite beta 1 (build number 14B23), released on November 10, 2014. I positively tested on both an Apple TV 3 running on Apple TV 7.0.1 software and on an Apple TV 3 running on Apple TV 7.0.2 beta software. The focus areas of this Yosemite seed are Wi-Fi (WLAN), Exchange accounts in Mail and Notification Center.

The latest Apple TV 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 beta software is only available for Apple TV 3 3rd generation (Model number A1427 – AppleTV3,1 – MD199LL/A) and Apple TV 3 3rd generation rev a (Model number A1469 – AppleTV3,2 – MD199LL/A).
Openplex 0.3.4 is available for download. Here’s the changelog:
- Wahlman.j theme removed (all options available in cyberghost84’s theme)
- Added a delay to prevent atvsettings.cfg & PlexConnect.log from not being deleted properly during a theme switch
- New icon logo from cyberghost84 implemented
- added a delay to backup all to wait for a clean shutdown so a proper atvsettings.cfg is backed up
- removed iOS 8 iMovie fix since it’s no longer required
- added mute boot button to remove the OSX boot startup sound
- list.cgi and installer.cgi updated for WebConnect
- optimized app and multiple GitHub’s to increase app speed and save storage space
- New Gui by cyberghost84
- Removed update (existing users)
- Started design on openplex.cgi view for webconnect
If you are new to PlexConnect then follow the work around to get PlexConnect running on your Apple TV:
- For Mac OS X: PlexConnect On Windows 8 And OS X 10.8.4: Plex Media Server On Apple TV 2 And 3 Without Jailbreak
- For Windows: Installing PlexConnect On Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 After Apple TV Update
Finally, I am very delighted that Plex, PlexConnect and OpenPlex are still running on Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite beta 1 without any issues!
Stay tuned! 😉
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