Plex (v0.9.11.0, October 12, 2014), PlexConnect (v0.4, July 24, 2014) and OpenPlex (new: beta 0.3.5, November 17, 2014) running on Mac OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite beta 1 (build number 14C68m), released on November 23, 2014. I positively tested on an Apple TV 3 running on Apple TV 7.0.2 software.
Mac OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite beta 1 made some things worse! My MacBook Pro 13” End 2013 crashes after stand-by mode. Furthermore, Google’s Chrome browser crashes immediately after start. The Chrome issue is related to the trackpad. Reportedly, the crashing can be circumvented by using an external mouse and disabling the trackpad while the mouse is plugged in. It appears that the stand-by issue is also related to the trackpad. Some Retina iMac owners are saying that they got display issues.
Hence, I’m lucky that Plex, PlexConnect and OpenPlex are working:

The latest Apple TV 7.0.2 software is only available for Apple TV 3 3rd generation (Model number A1427 – AppleTV3,1 – MD199LL/A) and Apple TV 3 3rd generation rev a (Model number A1469 – AppleTV3,2 – MD199LL/A).
Further more, OpenPlex beta 0.3.5 was also updated on November 29, 2014, and is available for download:
Openplex 0.3.5 Changelog (10-29-2014 Update):
- New GUI by cyberghost84
- Install app button removed and integrated into theme buttons and installs git if not present
- Cert/hijack warning now displays OpenPlex icon as well as other buttons (to many to list)
- App instructions moved to settings tab & instruction window removed
- Multiple tabs updated for a much cleaner look
- PlexConnect wiki/roadmap/forum removed from about tab
- WebConnect Update views button added
- OpenPlex icon now populates correctly for notification center
- Added more error checking in case user kills app before macro completes
- Added cert auto loading option for faster theme switching (idea thanks to @unsoluble)
- Big bug fixed not allowing theme buttons to work (thanks goto @pommybloke for allowing me to debug on his mac)
- Added hijack auto loading
- Added Auto loader and basic loader to extras tab
If you are new to PlexConnect then follow the work around to get PlexConnect running on your Apple TV:
- For Mac OS X: PlexConnect On Windows 8 And OS X 10.8.4: Plex Media Server On Apple TV 2 And 3 Without Jailbreak
- For Windows: Installing PlexConnect On Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 After Apple TV Update
Finally, I am very delighted that Plex, PlexConnect and OpenPlex are still running on Mac OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite beta 1 without any issues! However, Mac OS X 10.10.2 must be improved compared to the beta version…
Stay tuned! 😉
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RT @miAppleMe: Plex, PlexConnect And OpenPlex Running On Mac OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite Beta 1