The updated Mail and Calendar apps for Windows 10 Technical Preview, build 10061, show the latest Outlook icon when you start the Mail and Calendar app for the very first time. This means that Outlook Mail and Outlook Calendar for Windows 10 will really become Microsoft’s new built-in email and calendar client: Outlook for Windows 1o will be divided into two apps. Outlook Mail and Outlook Calendar are already the universal email and calendar apps for android and Windows 10 for phones.

In the post about “New Windows 10 Technical Preview build now available for phones“, dated April 10, 2015, Gabe Aul has already stated that “Outlook Mail and Outlook Calendar are the new built-in mail and calendar universal apps for Windows 10“. Now it makes sense why Outlook for Windows 10 was missing when Microsoft released the new previews of Word, Excel and PowerPoint for Windows 10 technical preview.

Microsoft is on a good way to declare Outlook as the new built-in standard and divide Outlook for Windows 10 into two separate, but connected apps: Outlook Mail and Outlook calendar for Windows 10. Just Outlook Contacts (People) is missing…
Stay tuned! 😉
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