I have already written about some issues of getting iCloud (email, calendar, tasks, contacts) running on different mails apps in Windows 8. Up to now, I had only succeded in getting it solved for Outlook 2013 Preview and the Windows 8 mail app. I had got the issue that iCloud email and calendars are shown in Outlook 2010, but not my iCloud contacts and tasks.
But some minutes ago, I figured it out to install all iCloud features on my Outlook 2010. First I deactivated the iCloud-Outlook-sync on the iCloud control panel on my Acer Aspire 1810. Outlook itself should be closed to get it deactivated properly. Then I deleted all …me.com ‘pst’- or ‘ost’-files I could find on my PC. In fact, most of that files should be there: C:\users\name_of_user\app data\local\microsoft\outlook. After that I had started Outlook 2010 to see if all iCloud data are removed: Yes, it had been.
Next steps: Closing Outlook 2010, opening iCloud control panel, activating Outlook sync, starting Outlook 2010. But then the situation was similar to that before: iCloud email and calendars were synced, but no tasks or contacts were insight. So, I opened the iCloud control panel again and found the following:

Clicking on ‘Set up iCloud…’, letting the system do what it want to do and waiting for a while (e.g. drinking a cup of coffee): Then I started Outlook 2010 again and, to my surprise, everything is running properly. I’ve got all iCloud syncs: email, calendars, tasks and contacts!
Stay tuned! 😉