On 21st of January 2012 I published my first blog post “My First Apple Anniversary on January 21st, 2012!” on miApple.me. It was just a little experiment of mine, but in the mean time miApple.me developed pretty well.
In June I moved my WordPress.com blog to a self-hosted WordPress.org blog at alfahosting.de. The first half-year of 2012 was a bit (too) quiet, but in June the first significant increase was measurable. The post “SkyDrive: Getting Back Your Free 25 GB of Storage!” was my first hit article. Up to now, this post was read 2659 times.
In August, I tried Google Adwords because I got some money for free to check it. The numbers of visitors and of page views increased significantly, but the average time on page decreased dramatically. It seemed to me that these visitors were not ‘real’ ones meaning that they were not really interested in my blog. After the money was spent, I stopped Google Adwords and focused on content.
The numbers of visitors decreased in September, but the next push came with my articles in November about Windows 8 and my struggle to get Apple apps like iTunes or iCloud running on my Acer machine. The highlight of the first year is, without any doubt, December 2012:

In the following some facts of the 1st year:
- 41,699 unique visitors
- 60,552 page views
- 63 posts
- day with most visitors (762) on 5th of January 2013
But from which country are my visitors coming from? Okay, it is obvious that an English blog will gain its visitors from the native English-speaking countries. Despite this, there are some non-natively English-speaking countries in miApple.me’s top ten:

The top five articles of the first year are:
- iTunes 11 Running On Windows 8
- Setting Up iCloud Email In Windows 8 Mail App
- Given Compatibility Of Samsung Skype Smart TV Camera STC1100 To 2012 Models
- The Best FTP – NAS – ‘Private iCloud’ Apps For iPad And iPhone
- Setting Up iCloud Calendar in Windows 8 Mail App
And what is coming next? First, I changed the miApple.me tagline to “Crossing The Borderland Microsoft – Apple: You and Me!” because this tagline describes the intention of miApple.me in the best way: Being an interface between the Microsoft’s and Apple’s ecospheres and You and me! Second, I will intensify my efforts to solve problems for you: Please, be invited to use the new contact form if you’ve got special problems or issues. I promise to do my very best to find a solution! Third, I will go on to push miApple.tv video tutorials.
Stay hungry! …and stay tuned! 😉
Yours sincerely,
Gee Are
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