Install the latest Flash player, test if iTunes is running now. If not, install the latest Java. If iTunes is still not running, try the next fix:
Fix 2:
The most successful fix is to copy the file ‘QTMovieWin.dll‘ from
c:\program files (x86)\common files\apple\apple application support\ to
c:\program files (x86)\iTunes.
Now iTunes should work correctly without any crashes. If iTunes is still not working, try to ‘cut & paste’ the file instead of copying it (Kudos to’s commentator ‘Rex’).
Fix 3:
In many cases it seems that there is a problem with the Intel HD graphics 4000 driver. Download and install either the latest Intel HD graphics 4000 driver for your computer from the Intel support homepage, or, in most cases even better, from the computer manufacturer’s support page. If iTunes crashes still persist, you should try the other way round and downgrade the graphics driver to an older version of the Intel HD 4000 graphics driver. If you are not very experienced in up- and downgrading drivers, try Fix 4 first!
Fix 4:
l9ChevyDriven85 reported that there is a solution without downgrading the Intel HD 4000 graphics driver (maybe it will work for other drivers, too):
Click on the Windows Button, go to the ‘Control Panel‘ and open ‘System‘.
Click on ‘Advanced system settings‘ and the ‘System Properties‘ window opens.
Click on the ‘Advanced‘ tab and hit the ‘Environment Variables’ button.
Find and highlight the ‘Path‘ variable in the ‘Systems Variables‘ section and click on ‘Edit‘. The ‘Edit System Variable‘ window opens.
Finally, place your mouse cursor at the very end of the ‘Variable Value‘ and paste exactly the following value to the end: ‘;C:\program files (x86)\common files\apple\apple application support\. The semicolon ‘;‘ is essential!
If you, at least, followed one of the above mentioned fixes, iTunes 11 crashing and freezing should be resolved. If you succeeded, let us know and comment! If not, describe me your problem in the comment section and I will try my very best to help you to fix it!
Hi there,my name is Gee Are, blogger and analyst. Blogging is my Passion! I’m the founder and owner of the two blogs called pabst.socialmedia and - Tech.Blog.My work experience as a blogger and analysist (Internet Intelligence, SEO and social media) is the basis of the services of pabst.socialmedia.Find more about me.
I bought a new HP Envy last week when my old PC died. I was able to load everything on it except for my iphone and ipod – I kept getting the an error message. I was seriously thinking of returning pc and ordering one with win 7. I have searched the web for 3 days to find a fix. #1 looked to complicated so I tried number 2 and IT WORKS!! I am so amazed and happy!
Thank you so much!
I am using iTunes Everything was fine under Win8.0. After upgrade to Win8.1, iTunes will crash when connecting to iTunes store. I tried Fix 4, not working. Then tried Fix 2, resolved!!
I just upgraded to Windows 8.1 and now I cannot play music in iTunes. The song will be selected and it will act as if it is playing, but the time goes nowhere from 0:00 but the play button/pause button work just fine. None of these solutions helped me at all.
Fixing iTunes 11 Crashes On Windows 8 And Windows 8.1:
I bought a new HP Envy last week when my old PC died. I was able to load everything on it except for my iphone and ipod – I kept getting the an error message. I was seriously thinking of returning pc and ordering one with win 7. I have searched the web for 3 days to find a fix. #1 looked to complicated so I tried number 2 and IT WORKS!! I am so amazed and happy!
Thank you so much!
thanks @miAppleMe for fixing my itunes 11 crash on win8!
Fixing iTunes 11 Crashes On Windows 8 And Windows 8.1:
¿Te ha ocurrido, Itunes te deja de funcionar en windows 8 o 8.1?. La solución aquí (Fix 2):
Thank you! Fix number 4 seems to have done it
Thank you so much.
Fix no 2. did it for me.
I’d never have found this on my own. I owe you a large cold beer!
You’re welcome! When I will be next time in UK, I’ll take you up to drink some beer together… 🙂
I am using iTunes Everything was fine under Win8.0. After upgrade to Win8.1, iTunes will crash when connecting to iTunes store. I tried Fix 4, not working. Then tried Fix 2, resolved!!
I just upgraded to Windows 8.1 and now I cannot play music in iTunes. The song will be selected and it will act as if it is playing, but the time goes nowhere from 0:00 but the play button/pause button work just fine. None of these solutions helped me at all.
Yay!! Fix 2 worked just fine, I’ve been trying to open iTunes store all day after updating to 8.1. Thanks