Update: How To Fix iTunes 12 Repair And Installation Errors on Windows 10
Installation problems and crashes – the never-ending story of iTunes on Windows systems. Although it is proved that iTunes 12 is running on Windows 10 (technical preview), the number of users reporting issues with iTunes on Windows 10 is permanently increasing. And the pattern seems to be the same as it is on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1: Either installation problems or crashes are reported. But you don’t need to be desperate: iTunes 12 crashes and installation problems on Windows 10 can be fixed following the workarounds already described for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
Here’s the prove that iTunes 12 is running on Windows 10 (technical preview):

iTunes 12 can be directly downloaded from here (detailed iTunes 12 release notes).
Fixing iTunes installation problems on Windows 10:
If you face problems (crashes, hanging, no installation success) in installing iTunes 12 on a Windows PC follow the installation guide for iTunes on Windows 10 (Here’s the installation guide for iTunes on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1).
Fixing iTunes crashes on Windows 10:
If iTunes 12 crashes after installation on Windows 10 (technical preview), follow the fixing guide for iTunes on Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and the support document for iTunes 11.1 Windows installations. It should work in the similar way for Windows 10 and iTunes 12.
iTunes 12 is working seamlessly on Windows 10 (Technical Preview). iTunes 12 crashes and installation problems can be fixed. What is your experience with updating to iTunes 12 on Windows 10? Let us know and comment!
Stay tuned! 😉
Are you familiar with crashes on 12.3 and now 12.4 on Win 10? I have the windows has stopped working bug on both. It has been like this for weeks now. I have no solution. An uninstall and reinstall did not work.
Hi Zach,
try this instruction. Should be valid also for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. All Apple files must be deleted before re-installing iTunes.
Gee Are
Thanks for the help. I believe I have isolated the issue as a problem with the Last FM scrobbler plugin. I deleted the .dll file, and it’s working again (PRAISE JESUS).
Hi Zach,
You’re welcome. Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciated it.
Gee Are
I have been trying for days now to get my iTunes to work on my Windows 10 pc, very frustrated, removed all Apple inc and then downloaded iTunes but still won’t work, it opens then I get iTunes has stopped working…..help
Hi Karen,
did you remove all Apple apps with Revo uninstaller pro? If not, try it again following this post: https://miapple.me/fix-itunes-12-repair-and-installation-errors-on-windows-10/
It is mandatory to remove ALL Apple app files!
Gee Are
I have a pretty new system, Windows 10 on an Intel 5820k-based PC with 16gb of DDR4 RAM.
itunes is incredibly slow and unresponsive. Pressing play or skip takes 10-15 seconds to register, and syncing to my phone cuts that off drastically, making it near-impossible to change any options. It took me over an hour to specify which artists to sync!
Today, my whole PC went crazy and started killing off apps due to high memory usage, and iTunes was to blame.
Any ideas how to resolve this? I find it crazy how a glorified windows media player could be taking up anywhere near this much memory, especially considering Apple are generally pretty good with software.
Hi Jack,
check this one with a complete uninstallation of all Apple software and then re-install iTunes:
Gee Are
Hi, Gee Are, I am trying to install ITunes on a windows10 64bit machine. I receive a message at the end of the installation saying (translated from french) “a problem occured on this windows installer package, a program necessary for this installation to complete could not be executed, contact your support service or the distributor”. I have search the apple support site and applied most of the advice, as well as yours for the installation on windows 8 or 8.1 but I always get the same error. I have uninstalled all apple components and even tried to install old version and 32 bit versions (as you can guess i am not technical). I have seen however that several people are reporting the same issue. Are you already aware of a fix that allows to install iTunes on windows 10.
Hi Dechamps,
thanks for your detailed comment. I wasn’t aware of this problem on iTunes, I known this issue on iCloud for Windows. However, I haven’t already got a fix.
check that iTunes is installed in the correct folder: …\Program Files\iTunes and NOT …\Program Files (x86)\iTunes.
Do you have another Windows running on a second partition?
Hi Dechamps Xavier,
here’s the fix: https://miapple.me/fix-itunes-12-repair-and-installation-errors-on-windows-10/ 🙂
Gee Are
All though I appreciate all the effort of this article I must say nothing of it helped. Seems to me more like a “I’m feeling lucky” solutions guide rather then an accurate and useful problem analysis. I’ve observed, that my iTunes always crashes as soon as iTunes tries to access the iTunes Store. Obviously, Windows 10 is having issues with that part of the application. If some Microsoft guys read this then maybe this is a place to start looking.
Hi René,
thanks for your feedback. Sorry, that this didn’t work to solve your problem.
Have you already completely deinstalled iTunes and its components as described in this post?
Another chance: today, Apple released iTunes 12.2.2. Maybe this update is working on your PC.
Gee Are
No need to apologize. You did a nice post and as I said, the effort is appreciated. Yes, I tried all the options with the exception of vista compatibility. Funnily enough running or installing iTunes in compatibility mode seemed to cause Windows 10 more headache than a regular install. The update from Apple didn’t help, but the way I see it it’s not up to them anyway to fix the mess Windows 10 is right now. All the windows internal processes are fast and relatively bug free. However iTunes or other Music related applications break on a regular basis. Yep, Microsoft did it again.
Hi René,
thanks again for your feedback! I really appreciate it!
Gee Are
Pingback: iTunes 12 Compatible To Windows 10 Technical Preview - miApple.me
Hello, i did try all of the methods above and iTunes is still not working. I have that error “APPCRASH CoreAudioToolbox.dll” I deleted all of the apple applications and reinstalled the itunes but still it is not solved. Could you please help me with my problem?
I finally got itunes deleted after 15 tries i finally itunes re-installed…
now i get the “itunes library can’t be found because its a different version of whats installed”,,, HELP PLEASE!!!
I cannot get I Tunes update to install nor can I delete I tunes from my PC. Its tells me the network resource is unavailable. C:UsersralphAppDataLocalAppleApple Software Update Tells me the path C.: I Tunes64msi cannot be found. And the older version cannot be deleted.
Hi Ralph,
have you already tried to uninstall it that way:
Uninstall iTunes completely and all attached components and re-install it with a fresh download of the iTunes installer.
Follow this post: https://miapple.me/fix-itunes-11-1-4-windows-installations-apple-support-document-released/
Gee Are
Fixing iTunes 12 Crashes On Windows 10 http://t.co/GU85vyRAL3