Since today, I have been blogging for five years and this is my 371th post on -Tech.Blog! I published my first blog post “My First Apple Anniversary on January 21st, 2012!” on on January 21st, 2012. Exactly six years after I got addicted to the Apple world (my first Apple product was an iPhone 4), I can again look back to a very exciting and successful year 2016. After the increasing 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year, the 5th year of was a year of consolidation. less posts, more content. I will give you a summary about the last year in the following.
First of all, here are the top ten posts on of the last year:
- Windows 10: Format External Hard Drives To FAT32 (69,671 page views)
- Installing Huawei E3372 On OS X 10.11 El Capitan (68,096 page views)
- Fixing iBooks Not Syncing PDF Files And ePub Books On Mac, iPad And iPhone (63,533 page views)
- Android: How To Sync iCloud Notes With Android Phones and Tablets (49,200 page views)
- How To Sync iCloud Calendar With Windows 10 Calendar App (39,771 page views)
- iOS: How To Delete Stuck Unsent Email in Outbox On iPhone And iPad (33,970 page views)
- How To Install iTunes On Windows 8 And Windows 8.1 (28,006 page views)
- Fixing ‘Cannot Connect MacBook To iPhone Via Bluetooth’ (24,568 page views)
- How To Sync Google Calendar With Windows 10 Calendar App (24,509 page views)
- Fixing Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Mail Not Responding (23,422 page views)

In the following some facts of the 5th year:
- Google Page Rank 2 (@Google: Should be better… 😉 )
- Alexa Rank 236,382 (dated January 20, 2017) / the year before 182,741 (dated January 20, 2016)
- 770,673 unique visitors / the year before: 838,105 unique visitors (- 8%)
- 1,123,947 page views / the year before: 1,271,832 page views (-12%)
- 371 post (all time) / the year before 346 posts (all-time)
- 3,442 comments (all time) / the year before: 2,979 comments (all-time)
- day with most visitors (3,310) and page views (4,141) on October 3, 2016 / the year before: most visitors (4,591) and page views (6,440) on October 1, 2015
But from which country are my visitors coming from? Okay, it is obvious that an English blog will mainly gain its visitors from the native English-speaking countries. Despite this, nearly 44% of the visitors in the top-ten came from non-natively English-speaking countries (minus 6% compared to last year).
Country rank 1 to 5:

Country rank 6 to 10:

I would like to thank you all: My readers, commentators, subscribers and followers on Twitter, Facebook page, Google+ page, YouTube channel and on any other social media! Last, but not least, I thank my family, especially my parents for giving me the opportunities to get addicted to the computer and internet world (a Commodore C 64 was indeed the better choice than a BMX bicycle 😉 ), my wife and my boy for accepting that I’m spending a lot of my spare time for blogging and all of my friends supporting me in blogging! 😉
Stay hungry! …and stay tuned! 😉
Yours sincerely,
Gee Are